Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Eat more, weigh less?

For far too long (a few weeks now) I have noticed that my weight loss has stood still.  In fact, I may have even gained a pound or two back.  What happened?  I was in a groove, I was losing weight, then BAM!  Nothing.  Well, a weight loss plateau is considered to be three weeks of no progress, I think it's safe to say, I have hit my first plateau.

So, what now?

After researching reasons for a weight loss plateau, and figuring out my personal BMR (basal metabolic rate) I narrowed it down to what I THINK is my daily caloric intake being too low.  Meaning, I'm not eating enough calories everyday.  WHAT??  My words exactly.

Apparently when you are trying to lose weight, if you start eating too few calories, your body doesn't compute that you're doing so on purpose, and goes into "starvation mode".  Therefore, your body begins to STORE all the calories you consume rather than burning everything like you want it to.

Solution?  EAT MORE!

This is a really difficult concept to wrap by brain around.  Making myself eat more in hopes that I will begin losing weight again, just seems.... wrong!

So... I have decided to try eating what I should be (according to my BMR and activity levels).  We will see how this goes.  I won't lie, I'm still skeptical.  However, I'm willing to try in order to get out of this rut.

Here's to eating more to lose weight!!

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