Tuesday, May 13, 2014

There's a Lot of Womb in My Heart

This morning was my appointment with the ultrasound technician, for her to take a closer look at what is going on with my uterus/uteri.

It didn't take her long, in fact, the moment she touched the ultrasound wand to my stomach she made a comment or two about, "Wow! There it is.  How in the world did they miss this before?  It's pretty out there and obvious...."

So, as she confirmed my uteri and began showing Ryan and I things we had never been shown before about my reproductive organ, we learned that I have a very textbook Bicornuate Uterus -- also sometimes referred to as a Heart Shaped Uterus.

So, in a nutshell, I have one cervix, that splits off into two uterus' (uteri).

Both sides are functioning.  In fact, after discussion, we believe Liam lived in my left uterus, and Serenity lived in the right.  This 3rd baby is now living in the right.  So far, there isn't a lot of concern of something going wrong.  Everything looks perfect on the ultrasound, but they will keep an eye on things.

Now, to clear up some things.  Apparently, I didn't explain myself well enough in the last update, and many people were thinking we are having twins.  So far, there is just one baby.  While it's not completely impossible to be pregnant in both uteri at the same time, it's extremely rare.  Where the confusion came in, I believe, is because of what the doctor was saying, that I talked about in my last blog, about the left uterus not being as far along.  There wasn't a baby there, the uterine lining was just gathered in preparation for pregnancy.  Most likely this was due to the pregnancy hormones in my body.  However, there is no baby growing in that uterus -- Just so we're all on the same page. :)

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