Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Serenity: 11 days old (Gestation age: 25 weeks 6 days)

Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a good night of rest! It was a little too warm for us to fall asleep well last night, but Ryan and I both eventually drifted off.

We talked to Serenity's doctor this morning, and the results from her brains scan are that her brain bleed is a grade one. This is great news! They use a one to four scale for brain bleeds. One being the least, four being the worst. Thankfully, she has the lowest grade bleed. So there is still a small risk of there being some damage, because wherever there is a bleed in the brain, that part of the brain cannot grow as it needs to. However, the risks are much, much smaller than a higher grade brain bleed. Praise God on High!!

We also were told the hole in Serenity's heart is small and blood is flowing like it needs to. So that is not all bad. But they are still going to discuss whether they want to leave the hole alone for now, or go ahead and close it. So we have to wait to see which they decide to do.

Part of one lung is still collapsed, but they have been able to continue turning down her oxygen. So there is positive and negative there. We were talking on the phone with the doctor and I couldn't understand what she was saying the plan of action is for the lung. But maybe when we call again I can get more information on that.

For now, we will just continue praying that it's God's plan to heal our precious girl. I know He loves her more than we do, and has her best interest in mind, so I will trust in that. Even if that means the outcome isn't exactly what we think is best for her--because we have no idea what kind of impact a different outcome could have. So we will keep trusting in our Lord, our Savior, our Healer, our Prince of Peace, that He has this all under control. And in the meantime, we will PRAISE HIM for the one step forward in progress. We will PRAISE HIM for the 11 days this beautiful, precious, perfect baby girl has been with us.

Thank you for continued prayers. Thank you for encouraging words. Thank you for loving our Serenity Hope.

 I want to leave you with a song that is a help to me, which you can view here.


  1. Hi Kasey, we're praying for you all!

  2. My kids and I watched the video and THEY GOT IT!!! We, as a family, are blessed in your sharing...love you and still praying <3

  3. We are praying for baby Serenity. Our hearts & love go out to you. -The Smatt family
