Sunday, July 14, 2013

Serenity: 9 days old (Gestation age: 25 weeks 4 days)

Hello to all on this beautiful day (at least, it is beautiful here in Lansing, Michigan).
Ryan made it back up here safe and sound yesterday, and I am so glad he is back! It's hard enough dealing with the ups and downs of having a baby in NICU, but it's worse when your best friend, the love of your life, your partner, your companion, your help-mate is not there by your side. I am so thankful he is for now.

As for little miss Serenity, I talked to the nurse this morning and there has not been much change. She is holding steady where she is at. It's not ideal, but I'll take that! Holding steady is better than getting worse. It's something to be thankful for!

They have changed some of her vent settings, and IV settings, and are giving her another blood transfusion today (as they have been taking so much blood and at this stage her body just doesn't produce more as quickly).

One bit of good is that she is off the jaundice lights completely for the moment. This is good because her body is not working hard to fight jaundice at this moment and can focus on fighting everything else going on with her tiny body.

So for now, not a lot has changed for the good or for the bad. We are just holding steady. However, she is still considered to be in critical condition, so we continue to ask for your prayers for our sweet girl.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie,
    Thank you! I am very glad Ryan is here as well. This is hard enough WITH him being here, but it was worse while he was gone.... Thanks for all the love you've been sending our way! I miss you guys and Miss Evie. I need some hugs from you all!
