Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Serenity: 3 days old.

Last night, Ryan and I went up to the hospital to visit Serenity before he would be making his first trip back to Missouri without us. When we first walked in, Serenity's nurse introduced herself right away and seemed very nice, and very involved with everything that is going on with her, just like all the other's we have met so far. She was enthusiastic to show us that she had given Serenity a pacifier, and she was using it!! You see, earlier in the day they had given her a small amount of colostrum (which was her first taste of real food!) and I guess it had already kick-started her stomach and she had been sucking on her fist, so the nurse thought to try a Pacifier. It was so amazing and encouraging for us to see her doing something as small as sucking on a pacifier--something a baby would normally do.

As we sat there admiring our baby girl with her pacifier, the nurse went on to explain to us that she was off of everything that was helping her body regulate her body except the breathing machine--other than that she is just receiving nutrition fluids. And even with the breathing machine, they have it turned on about the lowest setting and she is doing the majority of the work herself. So it's possible that very soon they will be able to remove the breathing tube and just have the piece that fits to her nose.

For us, this was the most encouraging visit thus far! It was such a blessing to physically see with our own eyes, all of the prayers that had been lifted up for her, being answered.


  1. Kasey, our God is so amazing! I am continuing to pray that Serenity will grow healthy and strong just like she would have done inside of you.

  2. Praise God!! Thank you for sharing the sweet updates, so we can rejoice each day along with you! It is so exciting to hear how well she is doing for such a tiny body! God is so good! :)
