Thursday, July 18, 2013

Serenity: 13 days old (Gestation age: 26 weeks 1 day)

I have to apologize to everyone. I was not feeling up to writing a blog update today. Not because there is bad news or anything--I'm just simply feeling a little less motivated. However, I know that so many people would like to know how Serenity is doing, so I'm sucking it up and writing anyways. :)

We weren't able to go to the hospital until this evening today. But that is better than not at all! Our sweet girl is looking SO. MUCH. BETTER. Her skin is looking pink, and a little less see-through. And Ryan and I both commented on how big her head looked. She has definitely been doing some growing. I'm excited to see how much she has grown when they measure and weigh her on Monday!

As for all the medical stuff... The plan is to start taking out the drain in her abdomen tomorrow. Depending on which doctor is there will depend on whether they take two days or four to complete that process.

Tonight, she gets her last dose of medicine for her heart, and they are supposed to do a heart echo early in the morning, or some time tomorrow if they don't have time in the morning. As of this evening, the lungs still seemed to have some fluid on them, but they weren't hearing a murmur. The echo with give them a better idea of what's going on.

She is also scheduled to have chest and abdomen x-rays done tomorrow to check on her lungs, and check to make sure there is no air in her gut anymore.

Also, they have been able to turn the pressures down on her vent. She still is needing more oxygen than they would like, but at least the pressures have been able to be turned down.

So, overall, things are still looking a little on the brighter side. And she appears to be back to her feisty little self--which is much improvement from a week ago when they discovered the air and stool in her gut, and she wasn't really moving around at all.

Thank you all for continued love and prayers for Serenity Hope! And for those who would like to continue on praying, here are some things to pray for:

*Heart echo will show NO hole!
*Heart medicine will have had NO side effects on her little body!
*Lungs will be cleared of fluid!
*She will require less oxygen from her vent!
*There will be NO air or stool in her gut!
*Her body will continue to heal and grow!

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