Friday, November 28, 2014

Waiting and Waiting Some More

Waiting is not something I can brag about being able to do well. I am not a patient person. Just ask my husband. 

Waiting, as horrible as I am at it, is what I'm having to do currently. 

Our daughter was born 1 week and 4 days ago. Yet, she is still not home with us. After having one child who never got to make that hoped for trek from the hospital to home, I'm finding it increasingly more difficult to wait to make that anticipated short journey. 

The waiting seems to be taunting me as the NICU doctor told me today that our daughter looks absolutely perfect...... but that sometimes, some babies just take a little longer. And then have her talk about our daughter being "SO close" to going home. 

We have 2 out of 3 "go home" criteria met. All we are waiting on is to be able to take full feedings for about 24 hours. We keep getting on a roll... but before 24 hours is up, feeding status goes from "excellent" to "fair" or even, "not great". And then we find ourselves back at the starting line. Waiting. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Arwen: One Week Old

Hello again blogging world. I decided to write an update since it's becoming increasingly more difficult to keep up with everyone asking about Arwen everyday. 

Speaking of Arwen, she is one week old today! This week has gone by quickly and slowly, all at the same time. I wish I could say that meant we would be bringing our baby girl home soon. But I can't say that. 

As far as how she is doing overall, she is great! She is a healthy baby girl. And for that we are so thankful! 

But being able to leave the hospital is not as simple as that, sometimes. Since Arwen was born so early, her body is still finishing developing. If she were still in the womb, she would be receiving everything she needs from me, without having to work for it. Mostly she would be sleeping. Which is exactly what she is doing now. Sleeping. The hard part is getting her to wake up enough to eat. Which at times, is actually impossible.  Her little body just gets worn out. So in order to make sure she is growing, and not losing weight or getting dehydrated,  we had to put in a feeding tube.  So now, if she is too tired to eat, she can still get fed without her having to exert any effort. 

This is really our main set back at the moment. Her blood sugar seems to be doing fine now, and she is doing very well holding her body temperature.  However, we are still going to keep her in an isolette for now. Moving her to a crib would require her to burn calories keeping her temperature regulated. And since we don't want her losing anymore weight, we are going to wait to make her work. Keeping her in the isolette allows her to keep growing without burning calories. 

So while it doesn't seem like a lot, it still means she will have to stay in the NICU. She won't be able to come home until she can hold her body temperature, is gaining weight everyday, and can take all of her feedings. Since she seems to be progressing at a turtle's pace, this could still mean a few weeks. But we won't know for certain. Arwen is the guide, we're just along for the ride. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

What Are The Odds?

Yesterday, November 17th, was World Prematurity Awareness Day.
Statistically, 1 in every 10 babies is born prematurely.
Yesterday, November 17th, was when our second daughter was born. Our second daughter born prematurely. That's 2 out of 3 babies. What are the odds? Apparently those odds are not in our favor.

However, Ryan and I are extremely elated with our second little princess. And are so blessed to have this little girl to call our own.
And while, yes, we have a preemie, we are able to be grateful she is not a micro-preemie.
And while yes, she is in a special care nursery, we are able to be grateful she is not in a high level NICU.
And while yes, she is having trouble keeping her body temperature up, we are grateful to be able to hold her without much restriction.
And while yes, she is having trouble keeping her blood sugar up on her own, we are able to be grateful that she can get help through an IV.
And while she is having trouble knowing how to eat, we are so blessed that she is ABLE to eat.

There are so many things with this little miracle that we have to be thankful for. She is beautiful and perfect. And while others may think I'm silly or may not understand, with this precious baby girl, I still here God whispering in my heart, "I took your first daughter to be with Me, but I'm giving you another -- Not to replace your first, but to fill your heart just the same. This is My gift to you. Here is your baby girl."