Monday, February 20, 2017

Is This The Beginning Of The End?

I had a bit of a comical moment turned serious a few days ago.

I can't fully remember what I was even doing at the time, but within a matter of about 30 seconds, two separate electronic devices started acting crazy. My first thought was, "That was weird." Then, "What if all the electronics in the world are about to go bonkers and start freaking out?" And after that, "What if that means the whole world is about to become complete chaos?!" and finally, "What if Jesus is about to come back RIGHT NOW and this is the beginning of the end???!!!" All within a span of about 10 seconds. (See how quickly that escalated?)

But that led me to start thinking about all the frustrations I had been having that morning leading up to the electronic freak out moment, and all the frustrations immediately faded. My heart was in a different place. I was thinking about Home. My heavenly home. I was thinking about my Lord coming for me. I was also thinking about how I didn't want my heart and my attitude to be bitter and grumbly and resentful and angry. What a horrible way to be feeling when I meet my Lord! Not only because I would quickly realize how very insignificant all the things that had been bothering me were, but also because I would be so ashamed that the state of my heart was ugly. And I would see my heart for what it was in contrast to our Holy God.

For the rest of the day my thoughts were not here on this earth very much. I kept thinking about the Messiah coming back for his Bride, the Church.

Wouldn't it help our daily life in so many ways if we constantly had in the front of our minds our Lord coming back for us at literally any moment? I know I struggle to remember the reality of that. It seems so far away to me most of the time. But even if THAT moment ends up being far away, not one person is guaranteed tomorrow. I could die in a car accident today. And in that instant, meet the King and Creator of the Universe.

If I can keep my mind focused on these things, all of the frustrations and problems that usually upset me in a day will become increasingly insignificant and not worth worrying about. My mind will be more focused and purposeful toward what is important, and filled less with the world and its problems.

"So if you have been raised with the Messiah, seek what is above, where the Messiah is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on what is above, not on what is on the earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with the Messiah in God. When the Messiah, who is your life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory." (Colossians 3:1-4)

"Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame and has sat down at the right hand of God’s throne." (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Baby Nichols #5 Update

There have been many people asking how this baby is doing throughout the pregnancy, so I wanted to update everyone.

As many already know, I became Rh-Sensitzed sometime between delivering Arwen and my first blood draw with Ava. Thankfully, Ava's pregnancy went extremely well with no problems.

This pregnancy has been going extremely well also. I have to go once a week to Mercy St. Louis for a high risk ultrasound, for them to check the blood flow in the baby's brain, to make sure she is not becoming anemic -- which is the danger of being Rh-Sensitized. My blood attacks the baby's blood as if it were a virus.

Like I said, everything has gone extremely well, until last week the blood flow numbers had gone up significantly. They were still in normal range, but it was a surprise change from the way things have been going this whole time.

This week, the blood flow numbers showed another significant jump; Although still barely hanging in the normal range. The Dr. came in to speak to me and said if the numbers keep going up at the rate they have been over the past two visits, we will have to do a blood transfusion sometime next week.

Because of this, I have to go ahead and start preparing for that. I have to go to my delivering OB and get two steroid shots, 24-hours apart, to help develop the baby's lungs, if anything were to go wrong during transfusion and baby need to be delivered.

I will also have to get another blood flow ultrasound on Friday (Feb. 10) for them to determine how quickly things are progressing. And there is the possibility that a transfusion will have to be done as early as Monday (Feb. 13). If the transfusion is needed right away I will also have to give blood for the hospital to Type and Cross Match my blood with donor blood to make sure they don't give the baby any of the same antibodies I have in my blood. It also cannot be frozen, it has to be fresh.

This procedure has to be done similar to a C-section as far as the environment goes, in a Labor and Delivery Operating Room, as it has to be a sterile environment, with a big curtain blocking my view, and they need to be prepared for basically anything. They will have to first draw blood from the baby to determine exactly how anemic she is. Then they can do the transfusion and give her the correct amount.

They also will have to give me some sort of sedation that keeps me calm and VERY still during the procedure, because they will be inserting a large needle into my stomach, but also doesn't effect the baby TOO much if they have to deliver.

Long story short, everything is happening all at once. But we know that our hope rests in Yahweh, and everything will be okay, no matter the outcome. But we still appreciate your prayers. For the baby and her safety, and for my nerves.

Also, there is a very real possibility if we make it safely through all the transfusions baby needs without having to deliver, that we will still have to deliver around 34/35 weeks gestation. So prayers for that too.

Thank you all for the prayers and support you've given our family through everything we've been through. We love and appreciate every one of you.