Sunday, October 6, 2013

Serenity: 13 weeks 2 days (Gestation: 37 weeks 4 days)

Hello all. I'm a bit bummed to need to write again so soon. But I wanted to give everyone a quick update on how Serenity is doing.

Her feedings were stopped today because of the "junk" they've been suctioning out of her stomach looking worse. Some colors are normal and okay, but the colors they were seeing were not okay. So here she sits, once again, without being able to eat. :(

So far there is not a set game plan on what the next move will be for her stomach. I believe the plan at the moment is to let her stomach rest for the rest of the weekend. Hopefully tomorrow the surgeons will be able to come around and check up on her and see what they think.

That is about the only thing different worth mentioning. But please continue to keep her in prayer. I was just sitting next to her this evening and thinking about how nice it will be to be able to do something as simple as picking her up without having to ask permission first. I'm so looking forward to that day. In the meantime, please lift her up in prayer. Thank you all for your love for our sweet baby.

1 comment:

  1. Continuing in our prayers for Serenity Hope, you and Ryan.
